Workouts for Women

The Ultimate Workout Programme for Women: Sculpt Your Ideal Body

Are you ready to sculpt your ideal body and unleash your inner strength full body now? Look no further than the ultimate workout programme for women. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, this comprehensive programme is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals and transform your physique.

With a focus on toning, strengthening, and defining your muscles, this workout programme combines the best of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises. From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to resistance training, each workout is carefully curated to maximize calorie burn, boost metabolism, and build lean muscle mass.

Not only will this programme help you achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of, but it will also improve your overall health and well-being. Regular exercise has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, improved cardiovascular health, increased energy levels, and enhanced mood.

So, are you ready to challenge yourself and take your fitness to the next level? Get ready to sweat, push your limits, and transform your entire body, with the ultimate workout programme for women. It’s time to become the best version of yourself!

Understanding the importance of a workout program for women

Women have unique fitness needs and goals, and a targeted workout program can help address those specific needs. A well-designed workout program can help women build strength, improve endurance, and enhance overall fitness levels.

Regular exercise has numerous benefits for women, including improved muscle tone, increased bone density, and enhanced cardiovascular health. It can also boost metabolism, promote weight loss, and improve mood and mental well-being.

Benefits of a targeted workout program for women

A targeted workout program for women offers a range of benefits that go beyond just physical appearance. Regular exercise has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancers.

Additionally, exercise can help manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve sleep quality. It also promotes cognitive function and can enhance overall brain health too.

Furthermore, a workout plan for women is specifically designed to suit the needs and common goals of a woman, so you can rest assured, whether it’s to tone your upper body, or strengthen your glutes, whoever created it should give you options to suit your needs.

Designing your ideal workout program

Designing an ideal workout program for women involves considering individual goals, fitness levels, and available time. It’s important to choose exercises that target all major muscle groups and incorporate a mix of cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises.

Cardiovascular exercises such as running, swimming, or cycling help burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, and increase endurance. Strength training exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups build lean muscle mass and improve overall strength. Flexibility exercises such as yoga or Pilates improve range of motion and help prevent injuries.

1 Week beginner full body workout plan

If you’re searching for a weekly workout routine, why not try out our 1 week workout plan to get you started?

It can help you to approach training in a full body workout routine, giving you the opportunity to see what you like and what you might need to work on. It’s a great way to get a good idea of the type of gym workouts and workout plans you might be interested pursuing in the long term.

We’ve created a full body workout, combining lower body workout routines along with upper body workout and cardio to ensure you have variety of movements to help you get started. 

Note: Consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have medical conditions or concerns.

Day 1: Full Body Strength Training

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., brisk walking or jumping jacks)

1. Bodyweight Squats

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15

– Instructions: Stand with feet hip-width apart, bend your knees, and lower your body as if you’re sitting back into a chair. Keep your chest up, and push through your heels to stand back up.

2. Push-Ups (or Modified Push-Ups)

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 8-10

– Instructions: In a plank position, lower your chest towards the floor, keeping your body in a straight line. If needed, do modified push-ups with knees on the ground.

3. Dumbbell Rows (or Bodyweight Rows)

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 10-12

– Instructions: Use a dumbbell or sturdy table. Bend at your hips, keep your back flat, and pull the weight towards your hip. Squeeze your shoulder blades together.

4. Leg Raises

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15

– Instructions: Lie on your back, legs straight. Lift your legs up, keeping them straight, then lower them without touching the ground.

5. Plank

– Sets: 3

– Duration: 20-30 seconds

– Instructions: Hold a plank position on your elbows and toes, keeping your body in a straight line.

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs, chest, and back)

Day 2: Cardio Workout

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., jogging in place or high knees)

1. Brisk Walking or Jogging

– Duration: 20-30 minutes

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs and hips)

Day 3: Full Body Strength Training

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., jumping jacks or stationary cycling)

1. Dumbbell Lunges

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15 (each leg)

– Instructions: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, step forward with one leg, and lower your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

2. Dumbbell Bicep Curls

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 10-12

– Instructions: Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms fully extended. Curl the weights towards your shoulders.

3. Lateral Leg Raises

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15 (each leg)

– Instructions: Stand straight, lift one leg out to the side, then lower it without touching the ground.

4. Push-Ups (or Modified Push-Ups)

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 8-10

– Instructions: In a plank position, lower your chest towards the floor, keeping your body in a straight line. If needed, do modified push-ups with knees on the ground.

5. Russian Twists

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15 (each side)

– Instructions: Sit on the floor, knees bent, lean back slightly, and twist your torso to touch the floor on each side.

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs, core, and arms)

Day 4: Cardio Workout

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., brisk walking or light cycling)

1. Cycling

– Duration: 20-30 minutes (either outdoors or on a stationary bike)

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on legs and lower back)

Day 5: Full Body Strength Training

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., marching in place or dynamic stretches)

1. Dumbbell Deadlifts (or Bodyweight Glute Bridges)

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15

– Instructions (Dumbbell Deadlifts): Hold a dumbbell in each hand, hinge at your hips, and lower the weights to mid-shin level, then stand up.

– Instructions (Bodyweight Glute Bridges): Lie on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips off the ground.

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press (or Wall Push-Ups)

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 10-12

– Instructions (Dumbbell Shoulder Press): Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height and press them overhead.

– Instructions (Wall Push-Ups): Stand facing a wall, place your hands on the wall at shoulder height, and push your body back and forth.

3. Bicycle Crunches

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 12-15 (each side)

– Instructions: Lie on your back, lift your head and shoulders off the ground, and bring one knee towards your chest while twisting your torso to touch your opposite elbow.

4. Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

– Sets: 3

– Reps: 10-12

– Instructions: Hold a dumbbell with both hands, extend your arms overhead, and then bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head, then extend your arms back up.

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on hamstrings, shoulders, and triceps)

Day 6: Cardio Workout

Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light cardio (e.g., jumping jacks or high knees)

  1. Swimming (if accessible) or Water Aerobics
    • Duration: 20-30 minutes

Cool-down: 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on the entire body)

Day 7: Rest day or Gentle Yoga Class

Use this day for rest and recovery. Alternatively, you can participate in a gentle yoga session to promote flexibility, relaxation, and body awareness.

Hopefully this combination of strength workouts and cardio workouts will give you a good starting point for your fitness journey. But, if you want to see real results, build muscle or simply just want to take part in weekly workouts, you probably need a programme that lasts about 6-12 weeks.

Plus these longer workout routines will be designed to help you with continual and sustainable progression so you can continue to get stronger with each week.

Woman doing yoga as part of her workout routine

The best workout programme for women

The best workout program for women is one that recognizes the unique needs and goals of the female body while offering flexibility and adaptability. First and foremost, any workout plan for women should it should prioritize a holistic approach to fitness, encompassing strength training, cardiovascular exercise, flexibility, and balance work. These components create a well-rounded routine that addresses women’s diverse fitness objectives, from building lean muscle to improving heart health.

Moreover, the best workout program for women should emphasize individualization. Women have varying fitness levels, preferences, and goals. A personalized approach allows women to tailor their workouts to their specific needs, whether they’re looking to boost energy, lose weight, manage stress, or enhance their athletic performance. This adaptability encourages long-term commitment to exercise and maximizes results.

Incorporating effective nutritional guidance is also a crucial element of the best workout program. Understanding how food fuels the body and supports overall health is essential for women. The program should offer nutritional advice that complements fitness goals and empowers women to make informed dietary choices. By addressing the multifaceted aspects of fitness and fostering a personalized, educational, and adaptable approach, the best workout program provides women with the tools to thrive in their wellness journey.

We’ve created our own women’s workout plans at varying lengths, so you can achieve your fitness goals.

We’ve created them with different goals in mind. So, whether you want to created a more toned body, you want to focus on body recomposition, or you’re dedicated to rounding out your butt, we have created women-specific workout programmes to suit you.

Here are our best workout routines for women:

Components of an effective workout program for women

An effective workout program for women should include a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups and provide a well-rounded fitness routine. Here are some key components to consider:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise: Incorporate at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week. This can include activities such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling.

2. Strength Training: Include strength training exercises full body workout at least two days a week, focusing on all major muscle groups. Use a combination of bodyweight exercises, free weights, resistance bands, or weight machines to build strength and tone muscles.

3. Flexibility Training: Stretching exercises should be included in each workout session to improve flexibility and prevent muscle imbalances. Yoga or Pilates classes can also be beneficial for improving flexibility and core strength.

4. Rest and Recovery: Allow for rest days in your workout program to give your body time to recover and repair. Overtraining can lead to injuries and burnout, so listen to your body and take breaks when needed.

Tailoring your workout program to your goals

Every woman has different fitness goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle toning, increased strength, or improved overall fitness. Tailoring your own workout plan or program to your specific goals can help you achieve the desired results more effectively.

For weight loss, focus on incorporating a combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training into gym workout to maximize calorie burn and boost metabolism. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is also highly effective for weight loss.

If your goal is muscle toning and definition, prioritize strength training exercises that target specific muscle groups. Incorporate strength training workouts a mix of compound exercises (exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once) and isolation exercises (exercises that target specific muscles).

Nutrition, supplementation and recovery for optimal results

To get the most out of your workout program, it’s important to fuel your body with the right nutrients. A balanced diet that includes lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables is essential for optimal performance and recovery.

Additionally, certain supplements can support your fitness goals. Protein powder can help with muscle recovery and growth, while pre-workout supplements can provide an energy boost and enhance performance during workouts. However, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before starting any new supplements.

On top of that, you should be taking the time to include rest days in your week. Especially in the first few weeks of your plan, when you’re likely to experience tight muscles and will need the tie off to recover and build muscle.

Furthermore, doing light exercise like steady state cardio will help to loosen your muscles and flush out toxins. Simply go on a 30 minute walk each day to ensure you’re loosening off your lower body after a legs workout routine and you’ll be amazed at the results.

Tracking your progress and making adjustments

Tracking your progress is crucial to stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your own workout routine and program. Keep a record of your workouts, including the exercises, sets, and repetitions performed, as well as any cardio activities. This will allow you to monitor your progress and gradually increase intensity or add new exercises as you get stronger.

Measurements such as body weight, body fat percentage, and circumferences can also be valuable indicators of progress. Take photos or use a tape measure to track changes in your body composition over time.

Woman doing weight lifting

Common misconceptions about women and strength training

There are several misconceptions surrounding women and strength training that often deter them from incorporating it into their fitness routine.

There are several common misconceptions and myths surrounding women and strength training that can deter many from exploring its benefits. It’s essential to dispel these myths to encourage women to embrace strength training as an integral part of their fitness journey. Here are some common misconceptions and the truth behind them:

1. Myth: Women will bulk up with strength training.

– Truth: This is one of the most prevalent misconceptions. Women typically lack the levels of testosterone necessary to gain bulky muscles like men. Strength training can actually help women build lean muscle, which can enhance their overall physique and increase metabolic rate.

2. Myth: Strength training is only for men.

– Truth: Strength training is for everyone, regardless of gender. It offers numerous benefits such as improved bone density, increased metabolism, and enhanced functional fitness. Women can benefit just as much as men from incorporating strength training into their workout routines.

3. Myth: Cardio is the best way for women to lose weight.

– Truth: While cardio is an effective way to burn calories, strength training is equally important for weight loss. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, so building lean muscle through strength training can contribute significantly to long-term weight management.

4. Myth: Strength training is not safe for women.

– Truth: When done correctly and with proper form, strength training is safe for women. In fact, it can help prevent injury by improving joint stability and muscular support. Seeking guidance from a certified trainer is advisable to ensure safe and effective workouts.

5. Myth: Women should use lighter weights and higher reps.

– Truth: The appropriate weight and rep range for women depends on their fitness goals. While higher reps with lighter weights can improve endurance and muscle tone, lower reps with heavier weights can enhance strength and definition. Women should choose a weight and rep range that aligns with their goals.

6. Myth: Strength training will make women less flexible.

– Truth: Strength training, when combined with flexibility exercises and proper stretching, can improve overall flexibility. Strong muscles provide better support to joints and can reduce the risk of injury.

7. Myth: Women over 40 can’t start strength training.

– Truth: Age is not a barrier to strength training. In fact, strength training can help combat age-related muscle loss, maintain bone density, and improve overall well-being. Starting strength training later in life can have numerous health benefits.

By addressing these misconceptions and embracing the power of strength training, women can realize their full potential and reap the rewards of improved health, fitness, and confidence. It’s essential to prioritize safe and effective workouts and seek guidance when needed to make the most of this valuable fitness tool.

Avoiding common pitfalls and staying motivated

Starting a new workout program can be challenging, and it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls that can hinder progress. Avoid comparing yourself to others and focus on your own journey. Remember that everyone’s fitness journey is unique, and progress takes time.

Stay motivated by setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories along the way. Find a workout buddy or join a fitness community for support and accountability. Mix up your workouts to keep them interesting and prevent boredom.


The ultimate workout program for women offers a comprehensive approach to achieving your fitness goals and sculpting your ideal body. By incorporating a mix of cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises, you can boost your metabolism, build lean muscle mass, and improve overall health and well-being.

Remember to tailor your workout program to your specific goals and listen to your body. Stay consistent, fuel your body with proper nutrition, and track your progress to make sure you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and take your fitness to the next level? It’s time to become the best version of yourself and unleash your inner strength through the ultimate workout program for women.


gymgirlfit was created by health and fitness enthusiasts, with backgrounds in powerlifting and writing. We've written for a number of well-known fitness publishing companies.

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